Welcome to Gray Abbott's Home Page |
Note: Actual size. |
This is never finished. Send suggestions via Email (gray@sofgry.com). I am currently for hire as a freelance software engineer, in the Austin, Texas area or wherever the Internet or telephone can take me (I'm good at telecommuting and running projects with Email). I've got lots of experience in Realtime, Digital Signal Processing, Embedded Systems, Graphics, Computational Geometry, UNIX, X Windows, SPOX, DOS, Windows (and others), C (plus two dozen other programming languages), Networking, Information Servers, Test & Measurement, Audio and Acoustics, and many other areas. I've got in-depth experience with certain kinds of hardware, like Hewlett Packard's HP3565 and Data Translation's Fulcrum cards (DT3801, DT3818). I've done lots of DSP programming on the DSP56001 and the TMS320C40. I've got a strong background in physical sciences and engineering (MIT physics), but I also understand the issues of Software Engineering (I've studied Dikstra, Parnas, Brooks, Weinberg, etc.). I'm good at learning new fields, fast. I'm a very good problem solver. I'm exceptionaly innovative. I've brought, or helped bring, numerous actual products to market, including:
My business is called Sofgry Systems. Here is my resume. I used to run the Austin Technical Event Calendar Web pages, where you could learn about technical meetings, seminars, and other happenings in the Austin, Texas area. You can send me Email at gray@sofgry.com. I could tell you all kinds of personal things about myself, here, but I won't. Because, frankly, you could be some kind of weirdo. |